RDMF Coach Code of Conduct

The following Rules will govern the conduct of each and every coach and team personnel in the Red Deer Minor Football Society. 


The Code of Conduct is as follows:

Our policy can be summed up in one word; RESPECT.

Coaches and Team Personnel will at all times conduct him or herself in a manner that demonstrates respect for players, referees, fellow and opposing coaches, fans, property and the game of football.

It is contrary to the Red Deer Minor Football Society's Code of Conduct for a Coach or Team Personnel to utilize the following while acting in their position as a Coach, Manager etc.:

          -        Utilize tobacco in any form whatsoever;
-        Consume alcoholic beverages;

         -        Utilize profane or abusive language;

            -        Bullies or intimidates verbally, by physical force or by electronic or other means of communication;

          -        Destroys or pilfers property belonging to another person;

          -        Utilizes narcotics or abuses other drugs; or

          -        Commits any other act which the RDMF Executive deems detrimental to the Red Deer Minor Football Society or its objectives.

Any Coach or Team Personnel that contravenes the Code of Conduct may be suspended or expelled from the Red Deer Minor Football Society, with or without warning by the President and in the sole discretion of the President.  There is no appeal process for the coach or team personnel that are the subject of the suspension / expulsion.  The decision of the President is final.  The offending Coach or Team Personnel and the team Manager will be advised by email as to the decision of the President.

There is a zero tolerance policy for any coach that in the opinion of the Red Deer Minor Football Society Executive has acted in such a manner and has contravened the Code of Conduct in such a way as to set a poor example for the players in the Society and undermines the goals and objectives of the Society.

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