All Atom and Pee Wee players and families must participate in the annual RDMF bottle drive. This is a major fundraiser for the season. This fundraiser keeps fees reasonable and helps supply quality equipment for the players. Therefore it is mandatory that all players / families participate fully. Guidelines for the bottle drive:
1. Please be respectful. The bylaw officer is usually hyper-vigilant this evening and we ask all drivers to follow all rules including NO PARKING in or at the end of driveways, near fire hydrants, bus zones, and NO double parking or u-turns. Watch out for city busses…there is a bus route in front of the shed.
2. When you arrive, DO NOT park in the parking lot. THIS WILL LIKELY BECOME THE DROP OFF ZONE FOR BOTTLES WHEN YOU RETURN but this will be confirmed during orientation. Planning changes every year so attend orientation at 5:30pm!!
3. Kids will be reminded during orientation that they are representing RDMF and as such need to use sidewalks (not grass) and proper manners when accepting cash donations and bottles from residents. (Please teach your children how to tie a basic knot as some may not know this skill and it is very useful when receiving bags of bottles.)
4. One parent needs to bring a truck (or vehicle with large space for bottles). During the orientation, game jerseys will be provided to the athletes and laminated maps will be provided to those parents with vehicles. Drivers are encouraged to partner with 1 other parent/child(ren) so children go out in pairs.
5. Everyone is expected to participate for the full 2 hours. If you finish your map early, ask for another area when you drop off bottles. ALL MAPS AND JERSEYS MUST BE RETURNED by 8:00pm.
Additional Fundraising may be required and will be announced with each season.