The season fees for each player will be $350, plus service fees associated with RAMP.

Season Additional fees for Football Alberta Insurance $50, Mandatory Baseline concussion testing $40, Protective Girdle $45 

ALL Football Equipment will be provided, with the exception of a protective girdle and cleats. A protective girdle will be added to your registration, for a fee of $45.

IF your player has a protective girdle from another season that fits, you can enter the Promo code: HAVEGIRDLE 


Registration is open!  Registration will close Thursday January 30th.

WINTER/SPRING Season Registration$350 + service fees and additional season fees

Register with your RAMP account - This will be used to communicate with teams and all schedules will be managed through this APP/Account - PLEASE ensure your CURRENT emails/phone #s are attached to this account - RDMF does NOT manage RAMP accounts - Contact RAMP for help with issues: https://www.rampinteractive.com/#contact

RAMP will be used to communicate with players/parents!  PLEASE Ensure you have the RAMP app working and downloaded. 

PLAYER BIRTH Certificates MUST be uploaded at registration 

Season Important Dates 

Season runs approx. February 24 - June 15 (end date is TBD pending Provincial Playoffs) 

Indoor Practices, Conditioning and Team events will start February 24th.  See Below** 

Red Deer will host a Province-Wide Jamboree featuring teams from across the province on April 06, 2025. 

Outdoor Season Kick-Off - April 13th

League Championship games - TBA

Provincial Championships games - TBA

Team AB U18 Final Camp TBA 


Coaches/Managers and Team Sponsors are Needed 

Coaching certification is REQUIRED to be on the field with the players. 

Volunteers are needed to help organize the Spring Provincial Jamboree. 

Sponsorships pkg information is available. 

Please contact Lori at cenab.femalefootball@gmail.com for more information. 


Equipment Pickup 

TBD - More information will be sent in February 

Rosedale RDMF Shed (Reichley St, Red Deer, AB) 

Bond Cheques for Equipment ($500), Volunteer Bond ($200) and Fundraising ($200) will be required 


EACH Players family will be required to volunteer during the season.  Managers will assign duties to each player to have completed.  IF the duties are Not completed, the Volunteer Bond ($200) will be cashed. 

Gamedays @ Red Deer will require LOTS of help.  IF you can’t complete your assigned duties, it will be up to YOU to find a replacement or swap with another family. 

List of volunteer spots will be made up and distributed as soon as we can get them out, pending schedules being set etc. 

Jamboree Coordinator

Sponsorship/Fundraising Coordinator

Game Day Contact/Helper

Banquet Coordinator

Raffle Coordinator 


More information coming! 

There will be a MANDATORY Bottle Drive and all players will be required to sell raffle tickets!

FEES alone will NOT offset the costs for the season. 


Feb 24 start Practices will be INDOORS on Mondays/Wednesdays from 5:00pm-7:00pm

First 3 weeks @ Springbrook Multiplex  

NO EQUIPMENT will be required for the first work in the gym.  We will arrange Equipment pick-up dates as we move along. 

Indoor locations (School gyms) are CLEAN Indoor shoes ONLY and WATER ONLY! Dress in layers, it gets HOT in the gyms! 


Starting Mar 24 FULL EQUIPMENT practices will be INDOORS on Mondays/Wednesdays 6:30pm-8:30pm @ The Dome  (334 Energy Way, Red Deer County) Finning Field 


Week of May 3 through to June, OUTDOOR FULL EQUIPMENT Practices will be @ Rosedale RDMF Shed (Reichley St, Red Deer)  

Game Dates

TBD - Information to Follow from the League  

Information for now shows gamedays will be SUNDAYS from April 13/14 till mid-June 

We WILL have travel games - We will discuss ride sharing/carpooling etc. 

Picture Day 

TBD, pending 

Equipment Return 

TBD, pending playoffs 


If you are participating in Kidsport or Jumpstart, please email your application approval to info@reddeerminorfootball.ca after registering online.

Jumpstart - click here to apply! 

Kidsport - click here to apply! 



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